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Cranberry Township Laser Therapy Treatment

An Epidemic of Pain

woman receiving laser therapy on her lower backPain is one of the top health problems in the United States. An estimated 50 million Americans live with chronic pain caused by disease, disorder, or accident. An additional 25 million people suffer acute pain resulting from surgery or accident. Approximately two-thirds of these individuals have been living with this condition for more than five years.

The most common types of pain include arthritis, lower back, bone/joint pain, muscle strain, and fibromyalgia. The loss of productivity and daily activity due to pain is substantial. An independent study done in 2000 reported that 36 million Americans missed work in the previous year due to pain, and that another 83 million indicated that pain affected their participation in various activities.

People with chronic pain have difficulty finding doctors who can effectively help their symptoms. The Chronic Pain in America: Roadblocks to Relief study found that one out of four pain patients had changed doctors at least three times, reporting that the primary reason for the change was that they still experienced pain. Here at Chiropractic Associates of Cranberry, we incorporate laser therapy to break the pain cycle.

New Treatment Options for the Topical Application of Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a safe, topically applied pain-free treatment that only takes a few minutes per visit. Laser therapy does not require the use of drugs or surgery, and there are no side effects of risks that may occur with other forms of treatment. In addition, it can often achieve results faster and better than other treatment modalities.

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Contact us today to schedule a consultation to see if laser therapy can help you! (724) 779-9600

Laser Therapy | (724) 779-9600

Greater Pittsburgh and Cranberry Township families enjoy chiropractic and its amazing benefits.